Wednesday, April 30, 2008

not a normal day for me

I have just gotten back from the bishops storehouse. Today was the biggest delivery i have done here for 2 months being at the storehouse. The storehouse is about to begin renovation in the main warehouse part and so we had to take 4 weeks worth of groceries to Augusta today. It was really amazing with the help we recieved. I look at that as a blessing. we had 6 missionaries come from the ward and they are apart of the Macon Ga mission. Isnt that great? that has been the highlight of my day thus far and this is dbone signing out


Lacey.costner said...

Hey bro!! I love you and I'm glad you are having a good experience!!

Trevor said...

Elder D-bone Newcomer, good to have you posting. Hey, it looks like your getting a little close to that girl in the pic. Remember, brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug..but they only shake hands with the sisters.